Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Purposefully Joyful

Wow!  It's been a while since I've "blogged" on my other site, so gonna start new here. :)  I won't recap on things since that last blog other than just to say that I'm so thankful that we have a Father who not only rides right along with us through those roller coaster sorta times in life, but that He comforts and protects us through every one of them too.  This is the Wednesday following an amazing weekend in Franklin, TN for Ann Downing's Middle Tennessee Women's Retreat and my heart is full of the memories and lessons from this weekend.  I must say it was sooo hard leaving that environment and the friends gained there, but I'm amazed at what He has placed inside to carry with me, right into my "real" circumstances.  Oh yeah, we have to remind ourselves during some difficult days and may need some help in doing so along the way, but the seeds have been planted and are IN there to come forth.  Happiness can be such a trivial thing and I've played that game far too long, searching for that place where it exists in the purest form, haven't you?  But, as we were reminded time and again this weekend, JOY is there and we must purpose or choose to be joyful even in the midst of our circumstances.  No, it's not always easy!  As a matter of fact, it can be nearly impossible at times...the keyword being "nearly".  It's amazing how we work and look forward to something and then when it comes it passes so fast that we don't even know where it all went, and when it's time for it to come to an end, we cling to those memories just hoping to make it last just a little longer.  We tend to so easily forget when we get back into our normal (or not so normal) :)  routine that we must take what we've learned and experienced and apply it to our lives.  I'm guilty to say the least of being so overwhelmed by the uncertainties, fears and unknowns that I worry of the what/where/when/how details, forgetting that He is God and in control of it all, BUT we must give Him that place.  So, can we just trust in the One who's PROVEN Himself so trustworthy and has never failed?  Can we be content where we are until....?  That's my problem, I know there's more out there, that He wants more and has more for me, and just being able to trust that He is faithful and will bring about what He wants as long as I remain open to what He wants.  In the meantime we must have joy even in these uncertain days.  We CAN have joy, but it comes through trusting Him.  As a friend recently shared with me, we must commit to doing the right thing, which would be trusting in Him, not how or when He'll choose to do it, but just that HE WILL! It's that simple...  Of course if you've had issues with trusting, it can be a little more complicated.  But hasn't He proven Himself time and again???  I'm reminded of the words of a song Susan (KPNR) sings, "Looks like this won't be the day my prayer gets an answer. The old me would've given up by now.  But I'll press on any way for I know that God is Faithful and He's gonna make a way somehow cause I know God is in control.  He never makes mistakes.  He'll take care of this problem, no matter how long it takes.  In the meantime, I'll be thankful for all the times He's answered me before.  In the meantime, I'll be peaceful, not anxious for anything the future has in store.  It's not easy waiting but it's always worth the time, knowing that the answer is in better hands than mine.  I trust Him, so I'll praise Him in the meantime.  This is not the first time I've waited for an answer.  Patience brings a perfect work from Him.  I place my life in His hands, so when I'm tempted to worry, I reassure myself once again.  Cause I know God is in control.  He never makes mistakes.  He'll take care of this problem, no matter how long it takes.  In the meantime...."  So it's in trusting the God Who's never failed us in the past and choosing, purposing to have joy right in the middle of the waiting...or the "in between times".  Can we purpose as AnnD says, that it's gonna be a good day "No Matter What"?  We can, but will we?  Choose this day to live in the Joy of the Lord.  He's the one who gives it, but we must first be willing to receive.  I can't tell you it'll always be easy, and we may need little gentle reminders, but it is possible.  We're sure to live much more productive and successful lives in Him if we live a life that is "Purposefully Joyful"!!! 

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