Friday, April 22, 2011

Bloom Where You're Planted

"(Chorus) Bloom where you're planted. He knows what's best. Bloom where you're planted. In His perfect will rest. There'll be sunshine and rain, but it's all for our gain. Rejoice and be glad, no time to be sad. Just lift up your head and bloom. Bloom where you're planted. (1) Bloom where you're planted don't worry or fret over things you've not seen happen as yet. Some things are veiled and others you now see but dim. There's 24 hours in every day to bloom for God's glory don't let it slip away. Just bloom where you're planted and leave the future with Him" ~ Sarah/Juanita/LaDonna I've got to find the rest of those words. :(
Been a long time since this song came to mind but during a weekend I'd spent with two sweet ladies (one who's gone home now) we were talking of my future and what the Lord had done so far and would do. It's just amazing how the words to the chorus began to roll... Then the verses came, of which I can only remember one at the moment. But isn't it amazing how the Lord brings things to our remembrance when needed the most?

While at an appointment this morning and recalling what the Lord has done recently and the opportunities He's given, and needing some help in being "content" until... This little chorus came to mind that three of us came up with all those years ago. Been hummin' the tune and singing what I can remember throughout the day...gotta find the rest of those words. :/ Anyway, as Spring is upon us and we see things blooming and becoming "alive" again, I'm reminded of what He was saying to me all those years ago. We were out in the yard when these words started coming. As has been recently, I was wondering and anxious for what the Lord had in store and ready to get out of that comfortable nest and He began to speak to me on blooming where He puts me. Do we choose to bloom where He wants us, or do we just grow complacent, or even just give up on ever being anything more than the ordinary? Maybe settle in living the normal humdrum of a life. I don't know about you, but I've never been happy living like that. I've found that those times in life are the ones that I'm unhappy and unsettled and begging for change, begging for more...because I know He has more, expects more. I've been guilty, even of recent, of worrying about the future, and what hasn't even happened yet. Feel like I just need to know what the next step will be, then when I feel directed in moving forward, then I question how it's gonna happen, or how He's gonna provide. That's where things look a little dim or veiled, but He knows, and after all, isn't He the One leading our steps? I pray so many times saying Lord I believe, but please help my unbelief...kinda double minded isn't it? What's wrong with just enjoying where we're at on the way to where we're going? With me, it's the lack of patience...I wanna get there YESTERDAY, because I'm afraid if I don't get it done, then it just ain't gonna happen. I guess a lack of trust and confidence...but isn't it Him that we trust in to work all the details out? Whewww that faith and trust thing isn't always easy. But, when I look back I see where He's come through time and again...can't you? I can see times in my life where He truely allowed me to BLOOM. Then, there are those when I've allowed circumstances and the enemy to come in and it all began to wither...dry up. Maybe because I felt as if I wasn't good enough for Him to use me...or to be a part of what He was doing through another person/ministry. Hey, I've found out it's not my "worthiness" that matters... He makes us worthy, and if He chooses to use us, then He obviously has confidence that we can make it. He'll equip us, He'll be with us, He'll lead us...we just have to trust. So are you out there bloomin'? I want to, don't know where/when/how He'll choose, but what I do know is that I'm gonna allow Him to plant me wherever He chooses and bloom there. It may be just for a season, but I'm thankful for those seasons He's already given...and the growth that's come with them. Now, I'm lookin' forward to the new season ahead, aren't you? Soooo....
Bloom where you're planted. He knows what's best. Bloom where you're planted. In His perfect will rest. There'll be sunshine and rain, but it's all for our gain. Rejoice and be glad, no time to be sad. Just lift up your head and bloom. Bloom where you're planted.

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