Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life's Blessings

These past several months I've not "blogged" (don't like that word) for, at times, a lack of knowing just what to say. Looking back, so many changes have taken place in my life this past year, including a big move, to Nashville. Seems it's been a roller coaster of sorts, yet again, at this time of life, but I'm soooo thankful to know that He has just what we need and sends His blessings along the way to meet our every need, and in alot of cases, even our smallest desires. It's ok that everyone doesn't understand us, our lives and even our needs, but He does, and not only that He has the answers and remedies for it all. This past weekend I got to spend some memorable days with two of the blessings He's placed in my life. You might say I was just a little spoiled this weekend. ;) They've been such precious friends for a few years now, but our hearts have grown so much closer this past year and I'm so blessed and thankful for the love and connection that has seemed to just come so naturally. This day didn't start out the best, but at the moment my heart is just a little overwhelmed with this warm fuzzy feeling as if it were just a much needed BIG hug today. :) Seems that all through life He has always given just what was needed, and just exactly when I thought I'd fall apart, or just couldn't make it any further, just one more way He chooses to show His love toward us and the fact that He has it ALL, everything we need. I long for more of Him and all that He is. Although my mind can't possibly fathom His love and mercies, I know that there is not one person or thing on this earth that can possible match Him and although I've struggled in my faith and trust in Him, I know what He's capable of, after all, I've experienced it time and again. He's proven Himself faithful over and over and proven that His love is one without conditions. I'm still working on the "trusting" part, but I'm forever grateful to be able to feel His presence on days like this, aren't you? It's just proof that He's ever present. Being a person who likes to be in control of every aspect of my life and to know and have planned out my every step (fearing all the unknowns), I've struggled with giving allll control over to Him trusting that He knows just what I need and will provide it in His way and time. In conversation this weekend with "Mama" Carol, I became even more aware of the reality of His unconditional love. Isn't it amazing how He chooses to open our eyes to new things at specific times? On the trip back home, not wanting to leave, and reflecting on not only their love this weekend, but the new revelation of the depth of His love an overwhelming sense of His presence came into that car and I spent quite some time talking with Him and allowing Him that quiet time to speak with me. So sweet is His presence if we just allow Him the time to express Himself. So, although it really hasn't been that great of a day, I'm thankful for reminders of His love and the blessings He sends into our lives, and that that in itself can just turn around the whole direction of the day ahead. I've found, once again, that He will send those blessings (people/things/etc.) into our lives just when we least expect them and maybe even in the way we least expect, but I'm sooo thankful that His way and timing is best. I'm sure I'll have many more lessons to learn in this and of course there'll still be those times of fearing the unknowns, but for now, I'm gratefully blessed and amazed at how once again, He has loved me. He loves you too!!! What's that desire or need in your life? Does it seem like an impossible task? Well guess what? Mine did too, but He is more than able, even if you feel you may not have the faith that's needed to see it happen, if you'll just wait on Him, you'll be amazed. :) Leaving you, for now, thankful for His unconditional love and the blessing of the unconditional love He sends our way through those down here.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Exploring New Roads With Lessons Along The Way

A couple of weeks ago after having dinner with a friend and both leaving the restaurant at the same time I made a mistake. Being that she lives really close to me, and that I’m still not familiar with where all the roads in the area end up, I began to follow her. I knew she was going home and that SURELY she knew the best way to get there. Following not far behind, (I’m sure she probably didn’t even know I was following her :) ) I tried to take in the new scenery I’d yet to explore and was really enjoying the drive until alas I came upon a place that looked familiar. Yes, that was the best way home for her, but being that where we ate was on the other side of where I lived, it wasn’t for me. Where I lived was between the two, but closer to the restaurant, and where we came out was right close to her street. Of course I knew how to get home from there, BUT, I’d taken the long way around. Granted I wasn’t in a hurry, nor did I mind the 3 minutes or so of extra driving, but every time I pass that road now I’m reminded of that day and really kind of got some perspective in another sense. I firmly believe that there are those out there that we can and need to follow their examples. Any of you that know me know that when I respect someone to that degree, I do it whole heartedly. :) There’s no listening to them and “acting” as if I’m interested in their views, opinions or advice and then going off and saying/doing something different. I believe God places these people in our paths for a reason. Those of you who know me will also know that I’m not THAT open to just anyone either! As for me, I’m a person who likes some accountability, and to know that there’s someone who cares enough to want to see the best in and for me and is willing to help see that accomplished (and at times to help me end a seemingly endless cycle)…not just what THEY want to see or think they could benefit from. I guess sometimes I’m driven by that. :) Anyway, as I look back to that day, I’m reminded that the person I was behind is someone that I admire, respect and look up to and have learned so many things from and I guess you might say that inadvertently she taught me another lesson that day. Just because the road looks good and maybe they’re headed in fairly the same direction, with possibly even the same goal in mind, doesn’t mean you’re to take that exact road. That doesn’t mean that your destination does not have as much purpose or meaning, but it isn’t always the same. I still arrived where I was going, but it took just a little longer to get there. How many times have we veered in the wrong direction just a bit and got off track? In the end we arrived at the right place but hind sight has shown us that if we just would have made this one turn differently we would have gotten there so much faster. Being unfamiliar with the new surroundings, I enjoyed the view along the way, but also there was that element of not knowing where I’d end up, and almost a feeling of being lost. Having the confidence in her enough to know she knew where she was going I just trusted, knowing she’d lead me home. There was no fear for me. Well, she did lead me to a familiar spot anyway where I’d get on that right road. We do that often times spiritually don’t we? We take a road that looks somewhat familiar, or that we know others have taken and assume it’s the right one for us. Why surely if those we trust and have confidence in have been successful at it, why shouldn’t we? Maybe it’s not that it’s a WRONG road, but just that it’s not the right one for us. It’ll get us to where we’re going, but not as quickly as we, or He, would like. I wonder if there’s something along the way we’d miss by just following someone because we KNOW they know the territory and where it will all end? I’m even reminded of the song “I’ll Take The Road I Know”…the thing about that is, there may be a time when He’s wanting us to choose a different road. Maybe the road we’ve been taking, although not necessarily a “bad” road, just isn’t getting us anywhere. Just recently I made a major life change in moving to Nashville…an unfamiliar place…new territory…new challenges and risks, and although I had many questions as to whether I was making the right choice, I knew in my heart it was the right road. There was a little more fear involved, as everything was new and unknown to me, but there was also comfort in knowing that it was His plan and next step for me. Aren’t there “risks” in a lot of things He asks of us? The thing is, He wants to know if we trust Him enough to be obedient…to follow HIS plan, even if we’re not quite sure yet what that is. I can’t tell you that I know where the next road will start and end, but I’m so thankful that I followed His leading and not the discouragement and doubt of some I was in contact with. I’ve not always made the right choices, or followed the right paths, but I’m thankful for the Godly examples He puts in our lives to steer us back in the right direction and to help us maybe understand, or should I say, bring to light, the fact that the road we’re on isn’t taking us anywhere. It may not be a bad road, but maybe we’re taking the long way around. Maybe there’s a U-turn in order in our lives? It may just be a little quicker and meaningful just to take that U-turn and go back and be reminded where we started at, what got us where we are, and what we need to do from there to change our course. I’m thankful for that little trip a few weeks ago, for more reasons than one. Not only did I get to see a new place, but my eyes were also opened to some new things, and although maybe not beneficial to you, it’s been, yet another, lesson for me. :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life's Puzzle

Life’s Puzzle
Our lives are just a puzzle in which the pieces each will link.
It’s amazing how He places them in ways we would never think.
There’s not a road we travel that a piece therein doesn’t lie.
When my thoughts to His working reflect, I often wonder how and why.

How will we get through this time in our lives?
It just don’t make sense why the troubles and heartache never seem to die.
Why are we here and what is His purpose and plan?
Lord just put the pieces together and help us start living again.

He loves us unconditionally but there are times we doubt Him still.
My heart is overwhelmed when that overflowing love from Him I feel.
To think He brought us here with a plan for each of us in mind.
It’s just so hard to fathom when we go through life’s struggles of every kind.

What is our purpose and which way do we go from here?
The pieces aren’t within view, and the vision isn’t clear.
Difficulties we face, and feeling all alone we just can’t understand.
If only we could see that during these times, He’s just working His Master plan.

Down one road lies a piece and the edges are oddly shaped and sized.
Lord where will this fit or will it be just one I need to hide?
It’s just not fitting in this picture from what I can see.
“Just hold on my child” He says, “and there will for it a place be.”

There’s part of such a beautiful picture in that corner Lord.
But so much of it is missing and I’m not sure where to look anymore.
I can’t begin to imagine where those hidden pieces lie around.
He must order my steps and lead me to where they can be found.

It’s been such a long process and impatient I so often have been.
Not understanding why He allowed such heartache and a life so full of failure and sin.
I guess He has His reasons for giving us the freedom to choose.
For it’s in those hard times that we find a piece that we may otherwise lose.

Some of the pieces are so obviously suited for their place.
While others have to be turned and worked to fit that space.
It’s all part of His Master plan and the beauty we’ll all get to see,
When the pieces all come together and no holes or spaces there will be.

You see my life has been one full of failures, confusion and pain.
Although hard to understand at times, there’s always something through it to gain.
I’ve picked up a few pieces that were lost during the shuffle we call life.
They’ll all fit together one day, and there will be some relief from the pain and strife.

He has a purpose and a plan as to where each piece belongs.
If we could only just stop trying it alone and allow Him to come along.
Lord help me be patient to wait on Your plan as each piece falls in place.
It’s at times so difficult to see the hope, but through it all I’m thankful for Your grace.

I must admit the pieces of my life have been difficult to place, to say the least.
All because I didn’t trust You and believe that You were right there with me.
At times I’ve not been open to Your will and what Your desires for me would be.
Making it all the more difficult to allow You to work the puzzle of my life freely.

The holes have gotten smaller and the beauty seems to be showing through.
Oh but wait, there’s another difficult piece but I must trust that to You.
As we learn to trust You and the pieces begin to slowly take their place.
Help us to learn that it’s all a process that requires our trust and Your grace.

Once the puzzle is complete and the clear picture of Your beauty is in view.
It will then be easy to understand the whys and hows and why we must continue.
We must pursue those things that are good, honest, pure and true.
Oh, and we must live a life to the fullest living for and trusting in You.

You have a purpose and a plan although it’s sometimes difficult to see.
Thank You Lord that even in those most trying of times, You’ve always taken care of me.
You seen the pieces and where each one was placed, and knew all along that it would take Your grace.
Grace that’s sufficient for all that we face, grace that will keep us as You put those pieces all in place.

Written By: LaDonna Ann Busler
May 3, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bloom Where You're Planted

"(Chorus) Bloom where you're planted. He knows what's best. Bloom where you're planted. In His perfect will rest. There'll be sunshine and rain, but it's all for our gain. Rejoice and be glad, no time to be sad. Just lift up your head and bloom. Bloom where you're planted. (1) Bloom where you're planted don't worry or fret over things you've not seen happen as yet. Some things are veiled and others you now see but dim. There's 24 hours in every day to bloom for God's glory don't let it slip away. Just bloom where you're planted and leave the future with Him" ~ Sarah/Juanita/LaDonna I've got to find the rest of those words. :(
Been a long time since this song came to mind but during a weekend I'd spent with two sweet ladies (one who's gone home now) we were talking of my future and what the Lord had done so far and would do. It's just amazing how the words to the chorus began to roll... Then the verses came, of which I can only remember one at the moment. But isn't it amazing how the Lord brings things to our remembrance when needed the most?

While at an appointment this morning and recalling what the Lord has done recently and the opportunities He's given, and needing some help in being "content" until... This little chorus came to mind that three of us came up with all those years ago. Been hummin' the tune and singing what I can remember throughout the day...gotta find the rest of those words. :/ Anyway, as Spring is upon us and we see things blooming and becoming "alive" again, I'm reminded of what He was saying to me all those years ago. We were out in the yard when these words started coming. As has been recently, I was wondering and anxious for what the Lord had in store and ready to get out of that comfortable nest and He began to speak to me on blooming where He puts me. Do we choose to bloom where He wants us, or do we just grow complacent, or even just give up on ever being anything more than the ordinary? Maybe settle in living the normal humdrum of a life. I don't know about you, but I've never been happy living like that. I've found that those times in life are the ones that I'm unhappy and unsettled and begging for change, begging for more...because I know He has more, expects more. I've been guilty, even of recent, of worrying about the future, and what hasn't even happened yet. Feel like I just need to know what the next step will be, then when I feel directed in moving forward, then I question how it's gonna happen, or how He's gonna provide. That's where things look a little dim or veiled, but He knows, and after all, isn't He the One leading our steps? I pray so many times saying Lord I believe, but please help my unbelief...kinda double minded isn't it? What's wrong with just enjoying where we're at on the way to where we're going? With me, it's the lack of patience...I wanna get there YESTERDAY, because I'm afraid if I don't get it done, then it just ain't gonna happen. I guess a lack of trust and confidence...but isn't it Him that we trust in to work all the details out? Whewww that faith and trust thing isn't always easy. But, when I look back I see where He's come through time and again...can't you? I can see times in my life where He truely allowed me to BLOOM. Then, there are those when I've allowed circumstances and the enemy to come in and it all began to wither...dry up. Maybe because I felt as if I wasn't good enough for Him to use me...or to be a part of what He was doing through another person/ministry. Hey, I've found out it's not my "worthiness" that matters... He makes us worthy, and if He chooses to use us, then He obviously has confidence that we can make it. He'll equip us, He'll be with us, He'll lead us...we just have to trust. So are you out there bloomin'? I want to, don't know where/when/how He'll choose, but what I do know is that I'm gonna allow Him to plant me wherever He chooses and bloom there. It may be just for a season, but I'm thankful for those seasons He's already given...and the growth that's come with them. Now, I'm lookin' forward to the new season ahead, aren't you? Soooo....
Bloom where you're planted. He knows what's best. Bloom where you're planted. In His perfect will rest. There'll be sunshine and rain, but it's all for our gain. Rejoice and be glad, no time to be sad. Just lift up your head and bloom. Bloom where you're planted.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Purposefully Joyful

Wow!  It's been a while since I've "blogged" on my other site, so gonna start new here. :)  I won't recap on things since that last blog other than just to say that I'm so thankful that we have a Father who not only rides right along with us through those roller coaster sorta times in life, but that He comforts and protects us through every one of them too.  This is the Wednesday following an amazing weekend in Franklin, TN for Ann Downing's Middle Tennessee Women's Retreat and my heart is full of the memories and lessons from this weekend.  I must say it was sooo hard leaving that environment and the friends gained there, but I'm amazed at what He has placed inside to carry with me, right into my "real" circumstances.  Oh yeah, we have to remind ourselves during some difficult days and may need some help in doing so along the way, but the seeds have been planted and are IN there to come forth.  Happiness can be such a trivial thing and I've played that game far too long, searching for that place where it exists in the purest form, haven't you?  But, as we were reminded time and again this weekend, JOY is there and we must purpose or choose to be joyful even in the midst of our circumstances.  No, it's not always easy!  As a matter of fact, it can be nearly impossible at times...the keyword being "nearly".  It's amazing how we work and look forward to something and then when it comes it passes so fast that we don't even know where it all went, and when it's time for it to come to an end, we cling to those memories just hoping to make it last just a little longer.  We tend to so easily forget when we get back into our normal (or not so normal) :)  routine that we must take what we've learned and experienced and apply it to our lives.  I'm guilty to say the least of being so overwhelmed by the uncertainties, fears and unknowns that I worry of the what/where/when/how details, forgetting that He is God and in control of it all, BUT we must give Him that place.  So, can we just trust in the One who's PROVEN Himself so trustworthy and has never failed?  Can we be content where we are until....?  That's my problem, I know there's more out there, that He wants more and has more for me, and just being able to trust that He is faithful and will bring about what He wants as long as I remain open to what He wants.  In the meantime we must have joy even in these uncertain days.  We CAN have joy, but it comes through trusting Him.  As a friend recently shared with me, we must commit to doing the right thing, which would be trusting in Him, not how or when He'll choose to do it, but just that HE WILL! It's that simple...  Of course if you've had issues with trusting, it can be a little more complicated.  But hasn't He proven Himself time and again???  I'm reminded of the words of a song Susan (KPNR) sings, "Looks like this won't be the day my prayer gets an answer. The old me would've given up by now.  But I'll press on any way for I know that God is Faithful and He's gonna make a way somehow cause I know God is in control.  He never makes mistakes.  He'll take care of this problem, no matter how long it takes.  In the meantime, I'll be thankful for all the times He's answered me before.  In the meantime, I'll be peaceful, not anxious for anything the future has in store.  It's not easy waiting but it's always worth the time, knowing that the answer is in better hands than mine.  I trust Him, so I'll praise Him in the meantime.  This is not the first time I've waited for an answer.  Patience brings a perfect work from Him.  I place my life in His hands, so when I'm tempted to worry, I reassure myself once again.  Cause I know God is in control.  He never makes mistakes.  He'll take care of this problem, no matter how long it takes.  In the meantime...."  So it's in trusting the God Who's never failed us in the past and choosing, purposing to have joy right in the middle of the waiting...or the "in between times".  Can we purpose as AnnD says, that it's gonna be a good day "No Matter What"?  We can, but will we?  Choose this day to live in the Joy of the Lord.  He's the one who gives it, but we must first be willing to receive.  I can't tell you it'll always be easy, and we may need little gentle reminders, but it is possible.  We're sure to live much more productive and successful lives in Him if we live a life that is "Purposefully Joyful"!!!