Saturday, March 8, 2014

To Please the King ~ The Beauty and Boldness of Esther

Originally Written: May 24, 2010
Have you ever thought about the fact that no matter where you are or where you may be going that He is at work in your life and every thing that happens will help to shape your future? Do you think Esther realized in the beginning that the Lord was preparing her to save her people? Esther was brought into the land "For such a time as this". Even though as a child she faced losses and was raised by her cousin she had a purpose. She became a hero to her people. Esther didn't despair but she must have known that God had a plan for her life. Esther was a Jew who lost both parents while she was very young but she had a cousin who took her in and brought her up as his daughter. Some of us, like Esther have had "missing" parents in our lives but can you think back to those people who have come into your life, or are even now there, who have helped to shape your life? Mordecai taught Esther many things but she also had another teacher, Hegai, who was a heathen eunich in King Ahasuerus' palace who was able to teach her everything she needed to know about pleasing the king. It's good to have a variety of "teachers" who can guide and instruct us in ways to help us grow and make us useful in God's kingdom. Esther had many advantages as she was a beautiful woman who was gifted with Mordecai's wisdom and Hegai's preferential treatment. What are the advantages God has placed in your life or path which have given you the opportunity and have been a sovereign act of God to make you useful in His kingdom? All that Esther possessed just led up to the homage as she was presented as King Ahasuerus' queen (Esther 2:17). You are the daughter of the King and a member of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), just think about what one day will come. Many times I'm guilty of complaining when I don't think things are going as they should in my life. As many sorrows and trials have come my way I am reminded that God works all things together for good to those that love Him, but I often wonder how it can work out for good. Hindsight is definetly a wake-up call as you see how God works through things in our lives to help us to grow and to be "useful" in His kingdom. I am in that "in-between" place right now where I ask so many times "God what is my purpose? What am I here for?" Sometimes when we're actually going through things it's hard to understand the purpose and to remember that there will be a "such a time as this". There have been those who like Esther have come into my life and have taught me many things and given wisdom in different areas and situations and those "teachers" have helped to shape my life, and I must say, continue to do so! We never get too old to learn and must be willing to remember that there is a purpose and plan for our lives. It may not be easy as we travel through the journey and often times we need to be reminded, but there is a purpose and there is a destination. Unlike Esther, we may not be presented as a "Queen" but God does have a plan designated just for us. Many, many times I need that reminder as I slip beneath the load of life and get lost in the decisions and confusion of which direction to go next. But I am so thankful that He always shows the way or sends someone along to "teach" us and remind us where we are, why we're here and where we are headed. Maybe at times we needed someone to just steer us a little in a different direction and He always steps in to do that. Regardless of whether we realize it or not, He is always at work in every detail of our lives! We must never fail to thank Him for His active, transforming, loving presence in our lives. Esther was a woman of courage. When it was brought to her attention she determined that "If I perish, I perish!" (Esther 4:16) She would be the one to save her people! This plot was brought to her attention and although she had not been summoned by her king she had determined that she would go before him and plead for the lives of her people, knowing that as she had not been summoned she was risking that of her own life. Her courage and being rooted in her faith empowered her to boldly say, "If I perish, I perish!". As a result, not only Esther but also the life of her people was spared! Do you posess that same faith and courage that if need be you can step out and say "If I perish, I perish!" regardless of the risks involved? She had learned that Haman had received permission "to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews". (Esther 3:13) She also knew that her husband, the king, was the only one who could spare them and that it was up to her to persuade him to do so! There were many examples to follow in the way Esther went about this whole thing. 1. She stopped and didn't rush into the whole thing right off. 2. She waited, which gave her time to gather the facts. (Esther 4:5) 3. She consulted with her wise cousin Mordecai. (Esther 4:12-14) 4. She prayed! That waiting time gave her time to fast and pray about how she would approach the king. (Esther 4:16) 5. She made a decision. Time, counsel and prayer moved Esther to choose the right course of action and to have the boldness to say, "If I perish, I perish!". (Esther 4:16) 6. She acted and prepared a dinner for the king and Haman in order to assess his frame of mind. (Esther 5:4-5) 7. She adjusted. Being wise and discerning of the time Esther waited and prepared yet another dinner and it was during this dinner her request was granted and her king acted to save the Jews. (Esther 5:8) Esther used such wisdom in approaching the king. She could have fussed and fumed and panicked. She could have been angry, violent and irrational but she knew that being out of control would not change the situation and that she must have a course of action before approaching her king if there was to be an answer for her people. Do you possess those qualities that Esther possessed? Or do you act quickly out of your emotions? For myself I can say I've gone both ways. As I've faced many issues throughout life there have been times when I've took the wrong course of actions, but on the other hand, there have been times also that the Lord has given me the wisdom and courage to deal with things in the right way. There is beauty in God's plan. Where has God planted you? You may not be in ideal circumstances or in a place where you would have chosen but wherever you are remember that it's all a part of the bigger picture and purpose and that God does have a plan for your life. Esther learned the beauty of God's plan and her usefulness to Him and His people and much of what she learned come through sorrow and pain. She hadn't had an easy life on the path to get there. She was born of captives, a stranger in a strange land. She lost both her mother and father. She was taken to the king against her will. Last, but definitely not least, she was the Queen to an alcoholic and impulsive king. Although these were unlikely circumstances to be a "hero", that's exactly what she was to her people. All of that led up to positioning her to be able to save her people. She had truly "come to the kingdom for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14) You can also be used by the Lord by simply being faithful to Him wherever you are TODAY, to the people in your path and also in your circumstances TODAY! What He is teaching and using us for today is all just a part of the bigger plan He has for us for tomorrow. The hero does not set out to be one. They are actually more surprised than others as they were just there when the crisis occurred and acted as they believed was necessary in the situation just doing what had to be done! Can you imagine the joy, jubilation, relief and the sweet taste of victory that she felt in knowing that life was not over for the Jews? Do you make every effort to remember the goodness of the Lord to you and to celebrate His work in your life? Commemorate those moments in your life that may be "WOW" moments when He does something great or moves in and through you. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits...who redeems your life from destruction" (Psalm 103:2,4) Even though sometimes life may be so difficult we need to make every effort to remember His goodness and love in our lives! Esther accepted her circumstances (losing her parents) without being bitter and resentful, but with grace. She was a woman of character...faithful, courageous, wise and resolute. She also exhibited a gracious, cautious, patient, and discreet spirit. These were all exhibits of beauty and comes from a heart that has a deep trust in God and reverence for the Lord (Prov 31:30). It also comes from looking to God when times get difficult and we don't know where to turn (Psalm 55:22). It comes from believing that God will enable us when our faith is challenged (Phil 4:13). It also comes from knowing that God's grace is sufficient for us no matter what life demands (2 Cor. 12:9-10). The beauty of Esther comes from the Lord and is available to all of us! Reach for it and see what comes! I'm learning this myself in so many aspects. This is another study I have done along with that of Ruth and Naomi and although Ruth's story is my favorite, Esther is right up there and my desire is to be more like her. I wish to have the beauty of Esther and not only that, but to have the effectiveness that her life possessed! I am so thankful for those the Lord has placed in my life to help instill that wisdom and Godly counsel, just as He did for Esther! There are always those out there who can give us a glimpse of what we need to change or an example as to how to walk in certain circumstances and I am forever grateful to those He has placed in my path :) There have been many who have been such a help and encouragement in my life. I've gone through those times of not having anyone but it was because I pushed them away and I'm so thankful that He knows what/who/how we need and when we need it. I want to thank each one of them because even though life has been very difficult at times I am very thankful they've directed me to Him and provided wisdom and teaching and most of all prayer when needed, and one day I hope to have the boldness and have that purpose fulfilled in my life but once again, it's preparation and "waiting" time! Thank You Lord and thank you to each of my precious friends :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Wow!! Two Years?!

Having been thinking on starting up blogging again, I had to find this account, and to my surprise it had been TWO YEARS!! Wow! Well, much has happened over that time including my marriage this past Valentine's Day, so I won't try to catch up! LOL I have to say that I really feel as if I've been a student in continuing education as I have learned and experienced SO much over these couple years. It's when we go through some horrible times that He can take what's broken and reshape and remold it into what He wants. The key there is what HE wants! Many times we want life to go the way we think it should go, but we really don't know what's BEST, He does. :) He's directed me in several new paths these last two years, placed new people in my life and given me opportunities I couldn't have created on my own...on my path! I'm thankful! I feel like I'm in a new class now, although still under construction and not sure where it will lead. It's HIS path, so I suppose I'm just along for the ride. So, I hope you'll join me from time to time as I share little tidbits of what He's teaching me...and some experiences along the way! Let's not make it so long next time, ok?! ;)