Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Web of The Spider

Since a recent phone conversation with a friend, seems one thing has bared strongly in my heart and mind. Isn't it amazing how sometimes when a story's told, things just stand out and can't seem to be forgotten? In my case, I really believe the Lord is speaking to me during those times, especially considering half the time I can't remember things that are said a few minutes later. Oh yeah, I get the message, but it just doesn't seem to stick UNLESS God's really trying to tell me something through it. Anyway, I felt the Spirit of the Lord so strongly during this conversation and chills ran all through me as was HEARING how the enemy would like to catch us up in something so slyly that could destroy our very being. So this is the story my friend shared. After being on the road and arriving in late one night they pulled into the driveway and right before them was a huge spider web. The thing is, at first it wasn't in view, until the light hit it. They discussed whether to knock it down or to leave it alone and she proceeds to say with a web that big, there's a spider in there somewhere, will you get bitten? I know this may seem simple to some of you, but this stands out to me in more ways than I can even count. First of all, as big as it was, that web wasn't visible UNTIL the light hit it! Secondly, there had to be a choice as to whether it was to be left alone, or torn down. Also, you know there was a spider, but where would he be? Think about it just a minute. If that doesn't speak to you, I'm not sure what will. There are some spiritual warnings here too. I'm reminded of times in my life that I was prepared to walk into something and the Lord stopped me and shined the light, you might say, on the situation I would be walking into. That situation could have meant destruction for me, but He mercifully gave me warning. I am also reminded of some times that I seen the web, yet chose to walk on into it thinking I would be strong enough to kill that spider and change the environment. Ever been there? I've said but oh, Lord, I've been where they are and look what I change I could bring to their thoughts and life. It's not long that you're pulled right into it before you even realize what has taken a hold of your heart. I am reminded of Isaiah 59 and how it speaks of the weaving of those spider webs and what harm can come to those who partake in them. Dangerous things to mess with! I've been bitten by a spider, although not poisonous, you can't help but wonder how it will affect you and if you need treatment or not. At one point or another in our lives, we face those "webs" and have to make a decision, is this something that I'm to face, or do I choose to take the road of safety and walk away? He will prepare us for those things which we are to face, but I also believe that many times He shines that light and warns us to stay away from the danger. He does leave the choice to us though. If there's anything that I have learned, it is that He gives us our own free will to choose, and sometimes I've been guilty of making the wrong one and walking right into a web that nearly destroyed me, had I not called out to Him for mercy and deliverance. Aren't you thankful that He is a God of deliverance EVEN WHEN we choose to go our own way despite the warnings? The sad thing is, most often, wounds will come as a result of our disobedience or failing to heed. I know as my friend shared the story, she was concerned for her husband's safety if he got out there and seeing there was possible harm that could come to him. I believe that there are times that we MUST face the enemy, regardless of the danger, but one thing is for certain, you BETTER be prepared! Sometimes we have to face it head on not only for our sakes, but to help protect those we love from potential danger. Often times people choose to walk away or back down out of fear or feeling like things are so much greater than what they're capable of handling, but one thing is for certain, if HE has sent you, you'll be prepared to handle any situation WITH HIM. Yeah, I've had wounds from choosing to bypass the warnings, but I'm thankful now to say that my scars are a testimony of what He's brought me through, despite at times, my disobedience and failure to hear Him. There are some of those webs we just need to stay away from. It's not a matter of fearing the enemy, it's a matter of being wise to his devises. The Lord speaks to Simon in Luke 22:31 "...Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:". The truth is, he would love to have us all!!! What is there dangling in front of you that you just can't seem to walk away from and you've been tempted to walk right into the trap? Oh, it may not even look like a danger, but you've seen a little light shined on the web involved. Are you prepared to be bitten? Will you choose to walk away and say no more, satan, will I fall for your schemes. There's nothing pretty about a spider web, and I have to say also that there's nothing pretty in his plans either. He'd love to get his teeth into God's children. I've been there, and I honestly say, there are some webs that have come to light in my life that surround me. Nothing pretty about them, although I want to get rid of them, so it's a temptation to step over into it and say I can get rid of it once and for all. The question is, am I prepared to face the dangers involved? Is HE ready for me to? Are there those things in your life too? Let's use wisdom and make sure that we keep our eyes open and stay aware at all times that there is something out there. Not that we're to be afraid, but just as the web wasn't in view until the light hit it, it was THERE all the time. We need to be aware, it's there. Stay in tune to His voice and heed those little warnings and glimpses of light. There's so much more running through my mind on this and I feel it so strongly, but just can't express it. Beware of the webs the enemy has out there to catch you in people. He'll do whatever it takes. The thing is, if we'll keep reaching out for more of Him and looking through His light, we'll see them. It's no fun to have to deal with the healing process and even though their scars now, it would have been nice to not even have had the wounds. HE is able to keep us safe, if we'll just watch, and listen.