Monday, July 11, 2011

Exploring New Roads With Lessons Along The Way

A couple of weeks ago after having dinner with a friend and both leaving the restaurant at the same time I made a mistake. Being that she lives really close to me, and that I’m still not familiar with where all the roads in the area end up, I began to follow her. I knew she was going home and that SURELY she knew the best way to get there. Following not far behind, (I’m sure she probably didn’t even know I was following her :) ) I tried to take in the new scenery I’d yet to explore and was really enjoying the drive until alas I came upon a place that looked familiar. Yes, that was the best way home for her, but being that where we ate was on the other side of where I lived, it wasn’t for me. Where I lived was between the two, but closer to the restaurant, and where we came out was right close to her street. Of course I knew how to get home from there, BUT, I’d taken the long way around. Granted I wasn’t in a hurry, nor did I mind the 3 minutes or so of extra driving, but every time I pass that road now I’m reminded of that day and really kind of got some perspective in another sense. I firmly believe that there are those out there that we can and need to follow their examples. Any of you that know me know that when I respect someone to that degree, I do it whole heartedly. :) There’s no listening to them and “acting” as if I’m interested in their views, opinions or advice and then going off and saying/doing something different. I believe God places these people in our paths for a reason. Those of you who know me will also know that I’m not THAT open to just anyone either! As for me, I’m a person who likes some accountability, and to know that there’s someone who cares enough to want to see the best in and for me and is willing to help see that accomplished (and at times to help me end a seemingly endless cycle)…not just what THEY want to see or think they could benefit from. I guess sometimes I’m driven by that. :) Anyway, as I look back to that day, I’m reminded that the person I was behind is someone that I admire, respect and look up to and have learned so many things from and I guess you might say that inadvertently she taught me another lesson that day. Just because the road looks good and maybe they’re headed in fairly the same direction, with possibly even the same goal in mind, doesn’t mean you’re to take that exact road. That doesn’t mean that your destination does not have as much purpose or meaning, but it isn’t always the same. I still arrived where I was going, but it took just a little longer to get there. How many times have we veered in the wrong direction just a bit and got off track? In the end we arrived at the right place but hind sight has shown us that if we just would have made this one turn differently we would have gotten there so much faster. Being unfamiliar with the new surroundings, I enjoyed the view along the way, but also there was that element of not knowing where I’d end up, and almost a feeling of being lost. Having the confidence in her enough to know she knew where she was going I just trusted, knowing she’d lead me home. There was no fear for me. Well, she did lead me to a familiar spot anyway where I’d get on that right road. We do that often times spiritually don’t we? We take a road that looks somewhat familiar, or that we know others have taken and assume it’s the right one for us. Why surely if those we trust and have confidence in have been successful at it, why shouldn’t we? Maybe it’s not that it’s a WRONG road, but just that it’s not the right one for us. It’ll get us to where we’re going, but not as quickly as we, or He, would like. I wonder if there’s something along the way we’d miss by just following someone because we KNOW they know the territory and where it will all end? I’m even reminded of the song “I’ll Take The Road I Know”…the thing about that is, there may be a time when He’s wanting us to choose a different road. Maybe the road we’ve been taking, although not necessarily a “bad” road, just isn’t getting us anywhere. Just recently I made a major life change in moving to Nashville…an unfamiliar place…new territory…new challenges and risks, and although I had many questions as to whether I was making the right choice, I knew in my heart it was the right road. There was a little more fear involved, as everything was new and unknown to me, but there was also comfort in knowing that it was His plan and next step for me. Aren’t there “risks” in a lot of things He asks of us? The thing is, He wants to know if we trust Him enough to be obedient…to follow HIS plan, even if we’re not quite sure yet what that is. I can’t tell you that I know where the next road will start and end, but I’m so thankful that I followed His leading and not the discouragement and doubt of some I was in contact with. I’ve not always made the right choices, or followed the right paths, but I’m thankful for the Godly examples He puts in our lives to steer us back in the right direction and to help us maybe understand, or should I say, bring to light, the fact that the road we’re on isn’t taking us anywhere. It may not be a bad road, but maybe we’re taking the long way around. Maybe there’s a U-turn in order in our lives? It may just be a little quicker and meaningful just to take that U-turn and go back and be reminded where we started at, what got us where we are, and what we need to do from there to change our course. I’m thankful for that little trip a few weeks ago, for more reasons than one. Not only did I get to see a new place, but my eyes were also opened to some new things, and although maybe not beneficial to you, it’s been, yet another, lesson for me. :)