Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Life's Puzzle

Life’s Puzzle
Our lives are just a puzzle in which the pieces each will link.
It’s amazing how He places them in ways we would never think.
There’s not a road we travel that a piece therein doesn’t lie.
When my thoughts to His working reflect, I often wonder how and why.

How will we get through this time in our lives?
It just don’t make sense why the troubles and heartache never seem to die.
Why are we here and what is His purpose and plan?
Lord just put the pieces together and help us start living again.

He loves us unconditionally but there are times we doubt Him still.
My heart is overwhelmed when that overflowing love from Him I feel.
To think He brought us here with a plan for each of us in mind.
It’s just so hard to fathom when we go through life’s struggles of every kind.

What is our purpose and which way do we go from here?
The pieces aren’t within view, and the vision isn’t clear.
Difficulties we face, and feeling all alone we just can’t understand.
If only we could see that during these times, He’s just working His Master plan.

Down one road lies a piece and the edges are oddly shaped and sized.
Lord where will this fit or will it be just one I need to hide?
It’s just not fitting in this picture from what I can see.
“Just hold on my child” He says, “and there will for it a place be.”

There’s part of such a beautiful picture in that corner Lord.
But so much of it is missing and I’m not sure where to look anymore.
I can’t begin to imagine where those hidden pieces lie around.
He must order my steps and lead me to where they can be found.

It’s been such a long process and impatient I so often have been.
Not understanding why He allowed such heartache and a life so full of failure and sin.
I guess He has His reasons for giving us the freedom to choose.
For it’s in those hard times that we find a piece that we may otherwise lose.

Some of the pieces are so obviously suited for their place.
While others have to be turned and worked to fit that space.
It’s all part of His Master plan and the beauty we’ll all get to see,
When the pieces all come together and no holes or spaces there will be.

You see my life has been one full of failures, confusion and pain.
Although hard to understand at times, there’s always something through it to gain.
I’ve picked up a few pieces that were lost during the shuffle we call life.
They’ll all fit together one day, and there will be some relief from the pain and strife.

He has a purpose and a plan as to where each piece belongs.
If we could only just stop trying it alone and allow Him to come along.
Lord help me be patient to wait on Your plan as each piece falls in place.
It’s at times so difficult to see the hope, but through it all I’m thankful for Your grace.

I must admit the pieces of my life have been difficult to place, to say the least.
All because I didn’t trust You and believe that You were right there with me.
At times I’ve not been open to Your will and what Your desires for me would be.
Making it all the more difficult to allow You to work the puzzle of my life freely.

The holes have gotten smaller and the beauty seems to be showing through.
Oh but wait, there’s another difficult piece but I must trust that to You.
As we learn to trust You and the pieces begin to slowly take their place.
Help us to learn that it’s all a process that requires our trust and Your grace.

Once the puzzle is complete and the clear picture of Your beauty is in view.
It will then be easy to understand the whys and hows and why we must continue.
We must pursue those things that are good, honest, pure and true.
Oh, and we must live a life to the fullest living for and trusting in You.

You have a purpose and a plan although it’s sometimes difficult to see.
Thank You Lord that even in those most trying of times, You’ve always taken care of me.
You seen the pieces and where each one was placed, and knew all along that it would take Your grace.
Grace that’s sufficient for all that we face, grace that will keep us as You put those pieces all in place.

Written By: LaDonna Ann Busler
May 3, 2011